Monday, June 28, 2010

A day in the life of a kid on the farm....

By Theresa May 13 years old

Every morning I get up about 6:30 and go down to feed the animals. We have 2 donkeys, Dolly and Clementine who get 2 flakes of hay and 9 goats who get 5 flakes of hay. My favorite goat is Peanut. She's the small white one. Her pictures are on the facebook page. My brother and I also feed the chickens, ducks, geese and cats. We check their water and make sure they have enough through out the day on really hot days like today.

When I am all done with the animal's chores, I get a hoe out of the shed and jump on the four wheeler and drive down to the pumpkin patch and start hoeing out all of the weeds. We hoe out the weeds so that they do not grow over the pumpkins and take water away from them. We do that early in the morning while it's still cool and not scorching hot. We usually are down there for 3 hours.

After we finish with that there are lots of jobs around the farm like laying down or picking up irrigation pipe that we use to water some of the other crops like the corn, wheat or pumpkins. Some days we have to mow all of the grass or check the garden and lavender that we have planted.

At May Farms we often have events during the week in the event center, like business lunches and we help serve food and clear plates. After the event we will clean up the building and set up for the next event.

At the end of the day when it cools off my brother and I usually go fishing in the pond or go four wheeling in the creek. By the end of the day we're all pretty tired from all of the hard work we have done and we try to rest to get ready to do it all again tomorrow!

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