Friday, July 22, 2011

Wheat harvest is well underway and things are looking pretty good! The countryside is filled with large equipment and Byers is a hub of activity. Summer is in full swing, indeed. I love this time of year, watching the crops that were planted in spring filling the fields with row after row of rich green plants, while knowing that the wheat planted in the winter is being harvested at this moment. I can nearly smell the bread baking from here! There are so many good things that come from this time of year. Right now we've got spinach, radishes, swiss chard and some okra (more to come very soon) for sale.

The weather has been cooperative lately, which is a nice change from June when it was too cold or wet to do much planting. We're a little behind with the garden for that reason, but it's catching up fast! Our new underground water system helps immensely, as we can control how much water everything gets. It makes caring for that big garden of ours pretty simple, we can water with the simple push of a button. We typically have had to flood irrigate the pumpkins and corn maze, but out new water system makes that practice obsolete. Despite heavy rains earlier this month, we haven't had much rain this last week, which means we can get back out in the fields for weeding and other daily tasks. We've been lucky to not have hail or terribly damaging winds this season, either. We're hoping this trend continues!

Great news! We are adding a gift shop to the farm, and it is really taking shape, we will have to post some pictures when it's done. There are going to be some really great items in there, and we will keep you posted with Grand Opening details. There's lots of other changes going on around here, too. This is such an exciting time around here! More details to follow soon, stay tuned!

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